


Needs Review


Boston Mass Sunday Feb 19th 1865

Dear Mother.

Yesterday Prof Agassiz took me to the hills about Boston to study glacier remains - with such a teacher it could but be interesteding.

I attended to all my business matters in Boston yesterday afternoon Besides doing some calling on zoological friends. I leave her to night for New York. - Be in Phila Tuesday and at S. I. on Wednesday (22nd) and hope to be in Chicago by March 8th to 12th some time. - I dont know if I told you that in the manner things are now developing themselves I forsee that I shall be second in command on the Teleg. Expedition Bulkley being such a jolly good fellow I will be all right very much

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


I have been to see the most of our big guns in science and all seem much interested in my going north as well as in our success in chicago - It is odd that my accidental knowledge of the country in the north should buy me such grand results in directions so unexpected. I hope to beat every thing any body has done on studying glaciers after agassiz - He says no former arctic voyager has done anything toward the study of glaciers in the north where there is the best chance - If I succeed as well as he says I must if I try then I shall have achieved a position as a physicist ahead of that I occupy as a naturalist - At any rate I see so many and certain ways of doing great work at the north that when I come home I shall sit down at and spend some years working up my results and enjoying my well earned dolce far nienteat The Grove. -

Love to you all Bob

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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