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"Lengthe about 10 inches. vent about half this length blk of tail one third its length - The outstretched hind legs[strikethrough] feet reach not quite to the middle of the vertebrae

99[circled] Common weasel; - white weasel Putorius[underlined] Noveboracensis[underlined] De kay

Desc. The average[strikethrough] dimensions in[strikethrough] inches[strikethrough] are from nose to tail about 10 inches, tail to end of vertebra 5 inches and to end of hair about 6 1/2 inches In summer the color is red[strikethrough] chestnut brown on[strikethrough] above, with[strikethrough] the belly white tinged with yellow. and the end of and[strikethrough] the tail black for one kind of its length The edge of the upper lip is white In winter at the north it is entirely pure white except the black tip to the tail - In[strikethrough] its[strikethrough] In the south it does not turn white in winter but retains the same color as in summer As in all the true weasels the body is long slender and cylindrical with the neck ver[strikethrough] long[strikethrough] and[strikethrough] very long and stout and the head broad and massive.

This species exists throughout the northern part of the United States east of the Mississippi river at least; - perhaps further west - and[strikethrough] north[strikethrough] to[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] Arctic[strikethrough] regions[strikethrough]. On[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] Pacific[strikethrough] slope[strikethrough] In California and oregon it is replaced by at[strikethrough] other species which resemble it in appearence and have similar habits It is not found in[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] in the extreme southern part of the Union and according to Audubon & Bachman only exists in mountainous districts in any of the southern states It is common in Northern Illinois and I have reciev[d] from Mr L. W. Ashley a specimen taken at Duquoin in the southern part of the state. It has also been found as far southwest as Arkansas. There seems to be some doubt as to whether it is found in Arctic America as generally supposed The[strikethrough] arctic[strikethrough] It is very difficu[lt] to trace the geographical distribution of animals like this which[strikethrough] so[strikethrough] nearly[strikethrough] resemble[strikethrough] other[strikethrough] species[strikethrough] and it can only be fully effected by the collection of specimens from many[strikethrough] every locality where it exists as any but trained observers must confound different species when they so nearly resemble each other as do this and several other North Aerican weasels.

Every farmer therefore who feels interested in having the animals about him investigated should endeavor to assist in the difficult[strikethrough] work by sending specimens to competent naturalists or [illegible] scientific museums, where they can be certainly identified.

A more fierce and cruel mammal does not exist in America than this little weasel; the overrated courage and bloothirstiness of the panther fades into utter insignificance before it when we consider the comparative strength of the two animals[strikethrough]. The weasel without hesitation attacks animals five or ten times its own size and not content with destroying[strikethrough] killing enough for food wantonly destroys every animal it can conquer within its reach leaving the flesh untasted[strikethrough] uneaten[strikethrough] and

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


only sucking the blood, In[strikethrough] sonutions,[strikethrough] eating[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] brains[strikethrough], of part of its victims. 100[circled] It is far more destructive than the mink which only kills its prey victims[strikethrough] for food but[strikethrough] and it actually seems to delight in the mere destruction[strikethrough] taking of life. When a weasel has gained access to a poultry yard he will frequently kill every fowl within his reach in a single visit night[strikethrough] and Aud & Bahman state[strikethrough] that[strikethrough] state that in[strikethrough] one[strikethrough] night[strikethrough] farty[strikethrough] well[strikethrough] grown fowls[strikethrough] have been[strikethrough] killed[strikethrough] by[strikethrough] a[strikethrough] weasel[strikethrough] a weasel has been known to distroy kill[strikethrough] forty well grown fowls in one night. Very fortunately however this animal even when abundant in neighboring woods does not very frequently enter the farm yard though[strikethrough] appearing to prefer a free life in the woods to easy but dangerous feasts on domestic fowls. It is generally matter[strikethrough] less apt to make no[strikethrough] desserts[strikethrough] marauding descents upon the farm[strikethrough] pultry yard than the mink and I have abserved over several[?] years the preserve of a[strikethrough] man[strikethrough] several[strikethrough] a [illegible] weasels in a grove nest. My[strikethrough] a farm yard well stocked with poultry [underlined] fowls which none of the se[strikethrough] the weasels ever appeared to enter it[strikethrough] though minks and skunks were[strikethrough] mentioned frequently[strikethrough] repeatedly paid bloody visits to it. Indeed[strikethrough] I[strikethrough] am[strikethrough] inclined[strikethrough] to[strikethrough] think[strikethrough] that[strikethrough] despite[strikethrough] Indeed I am inclined to think that despite their occasional very destructive visits to the farm yard The weasels ought not to be destroyed[strikethrough] killed when living permenantly about cultivated fields at a distane from [illegible] [page torn] poultry; for if their exceedingly bloothirsty propensities lead them to such wanton destruction of life among domestic fowls they are not less destructive among[strikethrough] to many of thefarmers enemies in the fields As[strikethrough] I[strikethrough] have[strikethrough] before[strikethrough] said[strikethrough] The meadow mice are undoubtedly the most injurious[strikethrough] mammals[strikethrough] pernicious pests among mammals in northern Illinois and others the weasel destroys very great numbers; indeed it[strikethrough] has[strikethrough] beenv[strikethrough] I am mooned observed[strikethrough] is also as stated by Audubon and Baman. that upon the appearence of a weasel in a field the mice of all kinds begin rapidly Ddisapear for some distance around; A gentleman related to me that his[strikethrough] fo[strikethrough] while - ploughing a[strikethrough] field[strikethrough] dining A spring evening [illegible][strikethrough] in southern wisconsin he observed a weasel to run past him and enter a hollow log with a mouse in its mouth and[strikethrough] being[strikethrough] struck[strikethrough] by[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] being much interested he determined to watch The animals movements further and meting to some distance observed[strikethrough] saw it the[strikethrough] weasel[strikethrough] to[strikethrough] cfome out again after[strikethrough] a[strikethrough] time[strikethrough] and after hunting about the roots of some stumps and dead trees [illegible][strikethrough] and entering[strikethrough] several log heaps enter a hole under a stump from which a mouse was soon observed to run and presently the weasel came out again with[strikethrough] carrying another mouse with[strikethrough] which also[strikethrough] it[strikethrough] proceeded[strikethrough] al[strikethrough] was also taken to the hollow log it had first entered and this[strikethrough] my informant upon examing[strikethrough] cutting open this found a nest containing five young weasels

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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