


Needs Review


It is too much the case that Florists while spending time & much[strikethrough] money to import and proprigate exotic plants overlook natives equally as beautiful. Which might be obtained for the trouble of removing them from our own woods & prairies. What hardy Spring flowers are more delicate and beautiful than the sanguinaria canadensis[strikethrough], Collinsia verna[strikethrough], &[strikethrough] Dicentra Cucularia[strikethrough]? Yet how seldom are they found in gardens? For persons living in the country to obtain the desirable natives it is only necessary to occasionally repair to the wood[strikethrough] localities where the particular species are known to be in bloom at the time - and the children will generally know this for children do have good taste - and dri[strikethrough] drive[strikethrough] stakes[strikethrough] place stakes to indicate the exact location of the plant. Then in[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] fall[strikethrough] prepare beds - shaded[strikethrough] and[strikethrough] in[strikethrough] the[strikethrough] shade[strikethrough] of[strikethrough] trees[strikethrough] and[strikethrough] enriched with leaf mold, and[strikethrough] in the shade of trees - for the wood flowers - to[strikethrough] these[strikethrough] remove and now at the proper season - fall is best - you have only to remove you[strikethrough] the plant from its natural habitat to the prepared beds where in most cases it will be very much improved by the cultivation.

Last edit 11 months ago by KokaKli
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