


Needs Review


Rochester, N.Y., 1857.

The Subscriber, on the occasion of issuing his Annual Circular, would tender his sincere thanks to the Nurserymen of the United States and Canada for their encouraging patronage in the Nursery Label and Printing Business; assuring them that he will continue to execute their orders carefully and promptly as heretofore.

He would also suggest to them the importance of forwarding their orders for Labels as early as practicable after the Fall and Spring Deliveries, so as to secure their early execution, and opportunities of leisure for labeling in the row.

In answer to various inquiries, the undersigned has pleasure in repeating, that these Labels are in common use, and very generally approved, owing to their great convenience and economy===that he has now in operation very ingenious and efficient Machinery for cutting and boring them ready for wiring, with great accuracy, and with such rapidity as to enable him to fill orders promptly, to almost any number or amount that may be sent in. They are found to stand all weather, the print remaining distinct; will lie under and between the branches without liability of breaking off like the cumbrous wooden labels===above all, they save much time, toruble, and expense, and prevent mistakes, in the hurry of packing, every tree having its label, put on in the nursery row at a more leisure time. By this method, also, Proprietors are enabled to put a plainly=printed Label on every tree in Nursery at one=half the cost (counting time in writing) of putting wooden labels on assorted lots only.

Letters of inquiry promptly attended to===Address

W. HEUGHES, Box 905, Rochester, N.Y.

[illustration of a hand pointing to the right] N.B. The most approved forms of Tree Orders, Prom. Notes. Catalogues. &c. are printed at this Office, 15 to 25 per cent. cheaper, by the 1000, than is usually paid.

hints on Making Out Orders---Terms, &c.

The time required for executing orders numbering in aggregate from 25 000 to 50 000 labels, is 5 to 10 days: from 50,000 to 200 000, from 7 to 14 days; from 250,000 to one million, 2 to 4 weeks -- Orders should be sent 2 to 4 months before packing-time, so as to afford ample opportunities for wiring and putting on at leisure, or in bad weather.

Not less than 250 (but any higher number required) of each sort can be printed. The labels should, however, in all cases, be kept on shelves having alphabetical divisions, and each bag with its label in front placed under its initial; so that no waste need occur--each bag being put up when the required No. is out.

Prices--Orders number 50,000 or over will be forwarded, all ready cut, bored, as orted, and packed in labeled bags, at 44c. per 1000; under 50,000 and not less than 10,000, at 50c. per 1000. Package, &c. $1.

Terms.--Unless specially agreed, orders per mail must be accompanied by a draft on New York to amt. of one-half the bill, (which will be immediately acknowledged;) balance at time and place of delivery.

REFERENCES. S. Moulson, Rochester, T. B. Yale & Co., Brighton, A. G. Hanford, Waukesha, Wis. Hooker, Farley, & Co., " W. M. Hoyt & Co. " Dr. Swasey, Yazoo City, Miss.

[printed on a label] Bartlett

Last edit 6 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review



[illustration of a printing press] Books, Pamphlets, School and Nursery Catalogues, printed and bound in fine or plain styles, by a low, uniform printed scale of prices.

Hand-Bills, Circulars, Ball and Assembly Tickets, Cards, Labels, and all kinds of JOB PRINTING, executed in the best style, on short notice, and at low prices.

[illustration of a hand pointing to the right] Show-Bills, &c., printed in Gold, Silver, Bronze, & colors.

[partial postmark, illegible]

[written] Messr. J.A & C. Kennicutt West Northfield Ill.

Last edit 6 months ago by KokaKli
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