


Needs Review


750 Dixon August 15th 1859 My good friend Dr Kennicott I promise you to inflict upon you an account of my experience with an eastern ? healer and I herewith enclose it to you. If you think it worthwhile published with anycomments you please. Forutnately I knew just enoughof the physiology to save myself and customers from being imposed upon. Denniston understandably thought I would not know the difference between the trees sentand the true ones. The price was 25$ per 100 which I htought is not prudnet in my communication herwith to mention for fear our customers would think nurserymen were getting rich by selling cherry trees ar 41 each. It does sometimes seem as if Western nurserymen had more ignorance, prejudice, rascality and misfortune in general to contend with than any other class if men in the world. But so it is and I suppose they must grina nd bear it. By the way dont you want me to put up some grafts inthe boxes this winter for you? I would be glad to do it and as a low rate and after any sytle of grafting," quality of stock. Varieties & c you may wish. I want to has you some way that will en able you to realize some day. I am getting specimens of some 20 varities of apples an has planted 2 years ago last spring. Inc\ 3 & 4 months old when planted. My soil and loam

Last edit 5 months ago by cstull
Needs Review


tion I think firmly adapted to plant growing. Hope you visit us before long. I want get some others in the way of laying out and beautifying my grounds. Mr S Francis seems to be a gritty that his management of the affairs of the state Ag society should be criticized. "I reckon" he finds the load rather heavier than he anticipated and quite a different thing from a county society. than the honor of being one of the General Committee of the County. What bad weather for our farmers, but glorious for planting strawberries, budding and such like. When commence peaching or fall planting I have apples and tree planted lastfall. All did well though planted on the N----test land I had. I have full confidence in it when well done and the earth mounded up around the tree. Do you know where any amall Larch and mountain ash can be had? Can you tell the difference in the sexes of the Sheppardia trees when small? I have some fine --- of it. Fishback says 3/5 of the trees I sent him died though carefully? set out. What does he say of yours. He ? me that " all or nearly all of Kennicotts are growing finely". My trees are doingfinely. Hope they will not frow too ??? Write when convenient Yours very truly J T Little

Last edit 5 months ago by cstull
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