


Needs Review


Buffalo [illegible] July 12/50 [circle]

Dear Sir

Yours of a recent date came duly to hand , and I have that you are to be absent some two weeks. But perhaps you may be home again by the time this reaches you. I have no news to write, and the weather is so hot and oppressive, that I have hardly strength to hold my pin in hand. Indeed I am a little nervous, and can hardly content my self.

Mr. Edy & Lady called here last evening. The draft will be along in a day or two and I will meet it, and we will my soon look over these hopes, and strike the Ballance and then the papers had but be made out

Well president Taylor is dead, and Fillmore is now president. I have much confidence in Mr. F. and have no doubt but he will form a strong cabinet

I have my fears however whether Doct Kennicotts prospect for the office of "Comm. of Agriculture" will be as good as uncle Taylor. I understand Lee, is trying for the office, and he (Mr L) was for years commited with the Buffalo Commercial Office here, and which as you know has allways been a Fillmore paper, and may possibly Mr. F. may feel in duty bound Geo for Dr. Lee, after a little I shall write the president and give him my views on the subject and urge your appointment

Yours Truly Benj.[underlined] Hodge[underlined]

Last edit 10 months ago by KokaKli
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