


Needs Review



Home Thursday noon Sept. 8th '53

[Son. Am?] -

I direct this to you [illegible] as I presume Charlie will have started for New York ere you get this - Sorry you & Charlie did not keep together as long as you could -

Never you fret, my boy, about a few shillings or dollars extra[underlined] - Even should you run up to $40. instead of the $30. mother allowed you, we shall not grumble if you make good[underlined] use[underlined] of[underlined] it[underlined]; for we know you will "put in" and earn[underlined] more[underlined], when you get back. We do[underlined] miss you, and Bob has

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


has to work a good deal harder than he likes - but it[underlined] won't[underlined] hurt[underlined] him[underlined]

Peaches are very plenty & very[underlined] good - We got off 13 or 14 baskets yesterday (Bob is now in town, or on way back) and we expect to pick as many after dinner to send in to-morrow - So you see we are making a little harvest, and you have a right to your show. So again I say, "go it while you can", and never mind a few dollars extra provided you get good bar=gains, in pleasure[underlined] and info[strikethrough] information[underlined] - O have money in Bank & lots of peaches on the trees - So go it Major -

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review



Don't get home sick my Dear Boy, if you can help it - tho' it is pleasing to us, to know that you love[underlined] your[underlined] home[underlined]. And then you can get home you know, any time you please; and if you lack money, just ask the un=cles for an X or so, & let me know how much, & I will remit - If you wish it, go back to (Ladi) Gowanda & finish your visit there, and come home when you get ready - either by boat or Rail R. Take Johny with you, if you go to Gowanda again -

If you wish[underlined] it[underlined], I will stand the expense of a trip to Saratoga to the State Fair - It will only

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review



only cost half price, and you could enquire out the McDuffin, or go to a "dollar house" for a day, & have the ride down & back[underlined] at half price - I should not like you to go alone[underlined], however. - As you would go within 15 miles of Rodolph you might meet him[underlined], if you could do wo within the life[underlined] time[underlined] of your return[underlined] ticket[underlined] - I believe they only allow one[underlined] day[underlined] after the fair and one[underlined] day[underlined] before[underlined] at half price - But don't go, unless you desire[underlined] it[underlined] very[underlined] much[underlined] - as there will be a great rush and jam then & many accidents -

God bless you Old Father

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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