


Needs Review


[Mound?] Nursery Canton Ill. Sept. 19th. 1854

Dr J.A.K.

My good Friend.

Though long seemingly neglected, yet by no means forgotten, - I have been just "going to" write to you all summer, but by some means I have omitted it. - Certainly not because converse with you have been uninteresting[underlined] On the contrary I have long longed[underlined] for a "refresh-ing shower", if it were only "just a snatch[underlined]", from your "hand and pen", Indeed it would seem like an[strikethrough] angels visits in more senses than one, I know not which of us wrote last, but inpresssays it was I. - but be that as it may. a long time has elapsed since any very "pointed[underlined]" has passed between us. - I will acknowledge the fault & ease any conscience a little. - I thought strongly[underlined] of trying to make up some kind of a report to send. through you, to the Pom. Congress, but on looking around for the material, I found it so meagre[underlined] that I gave up in despairs, & so perhaps you escaped a bore[underlined]. - Pomona presents a "beggarly account" of empty baskets, this year. But it is good enough for us, as we are enabled the better to appreciate[underlined] her favors when they are[underlined] showered upon us. - I do not mean to say that she has slighted us altogether, for we are just now revelling in a partial, but transient abundance of rather creditable peaches, but apples & pears are out[underlined].

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


I am quite well satisfied with the postpone-ment of our Burlington meeting.

I feel that I for one, have escaped some[underlined] mortification, - I do[underlined] look forward with much pleasure to our state Fair, for I expect without doubt, to meet you[underlined] there, By the way, I expect to go by way of Bloom-ington, & Should you be going on the first day of the fair, perhaps I.ll catch[underlined] you[underlined] "on this wing", & bore you the rest of the way.

If you can consistently do so I would be very pleased to have you accompany us home & pay us something[underlined] of[underlined] a[underlined] visit[underlined], at least.

My Horticultural ardor wanes & cools, whenever I cast my eye on my blighted Pear orchard, And yet I've had an occasional taste of the super[underlined] lative[underlined], amongst the lingering delights, which though tantalizing, is "like the memory of joys that are past, pleasant & mournful to the soul".

I had "bad luck" too with my fine roses roses & shrubbery, most of the best of it was killed by the hard weather last spring. Yet we had a few very pretty roses, & some Iris, Phloxes etc. = In consequence of the drought our Dahlias have shown us very few. & poor flowers, many other things too have failed from the same cause, I am very anxious to know how you all flourish. Can hardly wait till I see you. Give my kindest regards to Mrs. K. & best respects to Charley, & the rest of the boys

With unabated respect, yours C.R. Overman

Last edit 9 months ago by KokaKli
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