


Needs Review


Buffalo Dec 7 1854

Doct Kennicott

My Dear Sir

We are in the midst of a Siberian winter with snow two feet deep, and cold freezing weather For the past four days we have a severe nor. easter, which now has become a nor. wester. A more fierce, or dreary storm we do not often see -, I have been indoors at home all day yesterday, and most of the day before. and begin to feel lonely. I generally go down to the office fore= noon and afternoon. But just now we are not much hurried But I have got about tired of this post. and sometimes feel anxious to leave it to others - as I have not the leisure that I desire

I have been needing to day the Prarie Farmer. and some other Hort. works. I have not devoted much time to this subject the past year - However I have succeded will in my fruits the past season. Strawberries, cherries peaches. and apples in abundance. Pears a moderate crop - Plums very few. not more than two bushels on my 60 or 70 trees. Many of them large enough to bear two or three bushels - Have you any fruit in this [illegible]

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


[illegible]? I mean the one yet in the hands of a Committee which have defered their report for another year. Is it all a Humbug? If so the man deserves hanging on the limb of a plum tree - Indeed I am in a query. My 60 or 70 plum trees [occupy?] some of my most valuable land. and although the trees are mostly a dozen years and more old. yet on 3/4 of them I have never [obtained?], two plums a year to a tree - I cannot afford[underlined] to let them stand - and if there is no other [illegible] than to catch the little [Turk?] - I may just as well dig up the trees. at [illegible] I have had some little hope (but [illegible] little) that the [cormlin?] man had found out a remedy. However after all. I rather think that it's a sort of a [Two?] Culture. Comstock Humburg I hope the Committee will not suffer themselves to be [humburged?] for ifthey do they too will pretty near deserve hanging

I have found a remedy for the fire[underlined] blight[underlined] in the pear, while I can [illegible] with confidence. I speak from experience, viz cut the disease part off at least a foot below the point affected, cut and keep cutting and soon you will conquer - no tree bears cutting as well as the pear. I have cut off in summer limbs, and the tree itself, four or five inches in diamater And soon vigorous shoots will start out from the stump and in two years a fine head will be found

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


What business has your potitions to come and make speeches on potential matters during your State Fairs?

Such men aught to have a pass to go to Kansas. or some other similar place I hope you had a good time at the State Fair - I notice that our friend Mr Dunlop was there - Mr D- I have is now getting up any fine making - Mr Ellsworth of Naperville I also have is doing a fine business - [illegible] Mauley! & Bro. have done a large business this fall - [illegible] I believe all the Nurserymen are doing a fine business

I hope Mrs. K. and the family are all very well and that you will all pass a most pleasant winter. Mary (Mrs Butler) thinks of coming home about Christmas and Lynn too will endeavor to be here at that time Mary, Lewis [illegible] to make Peoria her home

Times are hard and many [illegible] here, and I look for hard times for a year to come. Our "Farmers Joint Stocks" Bank, burst up some weeks time. It never had any bottom and its owner Sherwood never had any [illegible] or good character to loose. He has [illegible] out land to pay the Bill holders

Pardon this long stragling letter, and remember me kindly to your family.

Yours Very Truly

[Bury?] Hodge

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
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