Mary B. Brooke, 1899





January. 1899.

[left margin: Thurs. 5. Rained]

Father and Mother took me to Brookeville. called a little while, then went by Olney. called at Fair Hill, and brought Aunt Edith up for a visit. Uncle Jim called. telegram came telling of Cousin Henry Russell's death, from typhoid pneumonia - so sad. Dr. Green & Anna came to late dinner - talked read and ____ in aft & Enc -

[left margin: Fri. 6. Poured. high wind at night.]

Nothing happened at home. Men cleaned up wheat. Anna and I went in to Miss Annie's, served, read and talked. Dr. Green at home. slept in the afternoon. quiet evening - solitaire Father and Mother called at Uncle Jim's

[left margin: Sat. 7. Clear. Windy.]

Up early. Father came for me, after much anxiety, and took me to the Insurance Office to fold statements. Mary Magruder, Sadie [?], Jennie Staven, Rebecca Miller, at one table. Bessie Robinson, Alice Farquhar, Jane Brooke, Lillie B. Staven and myself. the men at Jun - worked 8 hours $1.60 - did not quite finish. Men

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern


January - 1899

art word. Man from Butcher Kane came to see Father's cattle. Father came for me in the afternoon - dear man met in the cold and over the bad road so many times - I appreciate it = got more tired than usual with the station [?]

Sun. 8. Clear. Cloudy. No one went to Meeting. expected Sister and Dr. Gruon [?] - They telephoned they couldn't come. Father and Auntie Brooke went to Hirnon [?] to dinner. Rich'd at home over Sunday. I studied Mr. Chopin. Read and wrote in the aft.

Mon. 9. Cloudy.

Blue Monday as usual - Agnes late - George here to help drive the cattle over to Mr. Huttons - Father sold ten of them to Mr. Hobbs at 56 dollars a piece [?] - Cousin Charlie Burke came to fix the rain [?] so good to have plenty of water again - After dinner Father took Aunt Edith home, and brought Mary Strain back - called at the Briars on the way down. Miss Nettie [?] died pneumonia. Sent clothes to Belle Borvic [?] to wash. Washn. brought bird for Mr. Chapin.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern



January 1899.

[left margin: Tues. 10. Cloudy, rain.]

Father, Mary and I walked over to Mr. Will Jones - he lost a valuable horse with spinal meningitis ("browntitis"). Ed and Newman took load of wheat to Washn. Grove. Sat round read and talked and sewed in the afternoon - Mary told me many things! [^Va] (I gaped 15 000 times, and Mary 14 000) Baby has a cold.

[left margin: Wedn. 11. Clear and cold.]

Another cold snap. Father called at Mr. Will Jones to get some hay. Newman drove Mary Strain and me to Olney - she stayed - glad to have had a visit from her - Right after dinner Father and Aunt Eliza went to Miss Owen's funeral at Olney Church. Mother and I had quiet afternoon. Ed went to Bkve. [?] in the morn. Bill Brinii brought the [deleted: colds] clean clothes home. Excitement in the eve. run a wagon [waggon] going up the road very fast and then later Felix had an awful fight with a strange dog - poor fellow so bloody.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern


January 1899.

[left margin: Thurs. 12. Snowed, rained.]

Confused morning. Harriet came up to get me to write a letter to Carrie, who is at a Hosp. in Bath. Made Ma biscuit. Mrs. Chapin not very bright. I sat a while with her. Men cut ice - a mistake they didn't - In the aft. Mr. Prior called to buy some wood. Felix troublesome in the am - Dogs barked in the night.

[left margin: Fri. 13. Rained.]

Dismal days. I laid [?] late. Heard in the morn. that Mr. Chapin was coming and a little before 3 - he and Dr. Keir [?] came, stayed till 5. had lunch for them - encouraged with Mrs. Chaplin. and gave her more liberty - we had early supper - Finished one little centre [piece] and commenced another.

[left margin: Sat. 14 - Rained, cleared.

F. & M. saw Mrs. C.] Swept and cleaned. Ed went home with Newman and Charlie to Washn. Grove. Geo. to Brookeville. Rip. Dingley of Maine died. In the afternoon Father and Aunt Eliza went to Olney & Mrs. Buck with 'r [ ?] I made good rolls for tea. in the eve. Agnes and I ground cocoanut - never will again.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern
Needs Review


January - 1899 -

[left margin: Sun. 15. Clear, lovely clouded up] Late for supper - Father, Mother and Aunt Eliza after much discussion went to Meeting, called at Hermon and Olney. to Sister to dinner - we had quiet day. I visited Mr Chapin Agnes & the baby did too - read and wrote - Felix tried to run away - Wrote to J.J. in the eve -

[left margin: Mon 16. Cloudy, rained. Such dismal dreary weather. Father, Mother and Aunt Eliza went to Mr. Ben Canby's for their fine turkey [?]. left Aunt E. at Mr Gue Cachell's, and called them both twice. home at 4.30. We had quiet day. [?] Bishop called twice to [?] our tub for Uncle Gran - [?]. brought bird to Mr Chapin who is better, and walked round up stairs. Mr Joe Hutton called. Made lamp lighters & such in the eve. Baby not well -

[left margin: Tues. 17. Partly cloudy. Father and I started about 7. for [?] [?] to the Jervi. down 7th. I to [?] [?] 5 & 10 ct. [Bistow?] House three times to see Mr. Chapin - caught him the last time. to Palais Royal - to

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