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David C. Driskell Papers

David C. Driskell Papers

Help us make David C. Driskell’s incredible life of art, teaching, and scholarship more accessible to everyone! David C. Driskell was an inspiration to so many of his colleagues, students, and fellow artists, including Jacob Lawrence and Aaron Douglas. He passed away from...

Life as a Quaker Family: The Brookes

Life as a Quaker Family: The Brookes

Welcome! Introduction to the Brooke Family The Brooke Family were landowners and members of the Quaker community in Sandy Spring, Maryland. Their family was made up of Robert (father), Mary (mother), and their ten children. When they first...

Slavery Law & Power (Public)

Slavery, Law, & Power (SLP) is a project dedicated to bringing the many disparate sources that help to explain the long history of slavery and its connection to struggles over power in early America, particularly in the colonies that would become the United States. Going back to the early...