


Status: Complete

over to the water cure establishment. Mary Georgia, Virginia, Mr Longnecker
the boys and myself. Lord was tired, Flora was lazy. I could
not if I tried ever so hard give you an idea of the beauty of the
scenery. The farmers are now in the midst of their grain harvest. Which seems
to be a fine one this season . We past a farm belonging to one old dutch man
of 500 acres - the largest & richest in this county. He has but 3 daughters
to inherit this wealth. And these daughters go bare legged in the summer.
The situation of the water cure establishment is beautiful - just on the slope
of a beautifully wooded hill. The propsect of Bethlehem & country around
is beautiful but the house itself is very uninviting - little regard to nicety
I should think. The Dr can speak but little English - he seemed delighted
to hear of Miss Gould & begged to be remembered to her. He has very
few patients this season. He seemed prouder of his white turkeys
of which he has a fine flock & of the water/which was indeed finer
than anything else. Our ride home was along the banks of the
Lehigh river dear Tootee I never see a beautiful prospect - but I wish
you & William were with me to enjoy it. You have often heard me speak
of the beautiful banks & river of the Lehigh. As we rode on one side (a rode
dug from the side of a high mountain) shaded by beautiful trees - close
on to the river - this running and jumping over little rocks on the opposite side the road
is shaded by trees - carriages and foot passengers - then just out side the
road is the canal - the boats moving slowly up & down the way
we found Flora & Lord as well as dear Henry ready for their supper
which we all partook of with good appetites. We lived well here all
of the very best. Breakfast at 8. dine at 1 - tea at 6. I never feel hungry &
yet always enjoy my meals. I actually am getting too fat. It will
be hard for me to let out - as well as let down my dress. I think we all
sit up too late at night - the fashion here is to sleep in the afternoons - this
is what I most dislike. I have not yet indulged in this. But I insist on
Georgia's doing so - Flora requires no urging- Appy seems not to need it.
It is very pleasant to see how pleasantly Georgia & Appy get on.
Flora is still devoted to Adele [Ricos?] time & absence will
cure her of this folly. Poor Flora is weak in some points - but

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