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breakfast that morning. And fear it was all love &
labor lost - that all withered before they reached you.
This terrible drought is telling seriously on every thing but as it is
just what we can't help, we must bear with patience. I wish we
could invest our little all in some other business not dependent
on Seasons. In my hurry in making out my ruinous memorandums
the other day I entirely forgot a lock for my
safe & one for the small door leading into the garden
vinegar & tea. 5 lbs tea (such as William likes) 3 gallons
table vinegar. I can't so the book case dearest this year
I have so much else that are really more necessary.
I am very glad you got me the white horse shoe. Miss Mary
Gould says Mrs. Cater has a beautiful plant of that discription
from which she will a cutting to no one. I must be content
with the plants you have got for me. Unless I can have better
protection for plants in winter it is folly to get tender ones.
they so frequently die before even blooming once. Before you come
my most beautiful roses will be over & they have been so very
beautiful. I never had your mountain rose in such perfection
The roses are not only numerous but perfect. I cut them down
last winter. On Tuesday Capt Ottenger came & brought me one
Banana Plant & some Cuba oranges. Butler had not been gone
an hour before he came. My first thought was I wish these oranges
had come in time for me to send half to my little darlings
but it is as well they did not for of then whole number not
more than 6 or 8 had any juice in them but all beautiful
to look at. He staid until 12 o'clock - little Longfellow

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