


Status: Needs Review

Diary - 1897

April 3rd Saturday.
This morning I fixed my whell, all that I could
for I forgot to say that I lost the tap that
goes of the valve. Then I rode out to the race-
tract and was looking for it, whe lo and
behold! here came Mr. [Foust?]. We did not find
it so I had to find a new one at the hard-
ware store. Mr. [Foust?] and myself then went
to ride and when he and I came back he
treated me to lemon phosphate. Mr. Young
came today and is going to preach tomorrow
is has been a missionary amoung the
indians. Papa went off today. Mamma made
cake and gelatine this evening also had a
turkey killed. I got my lessons this
evening. It has been raining all the after-
noon but was a good morning. We are all
well. A [maw?] brough a load of [tale?] wood here
today which I will have to saw.

April 4th Sunday.
This morning we went to church to hear
Dr. Young. It was a splendid sermon. Came
home and got our Sunday School lessons.
We went to Sunday ^School and right after, at four
oclock Dr. Young gave a talk to the children
which we enjoyed very much. We went to
church tonight and as we walked it tired
auntie out. Mr. Young told many of his sad
and humorous experiences today, one about
an old indian when his mother got to old
to snare rabbits and catch fish he shoked her
to death with a rope and then burnt her
body so her spirit would not haunt him, and
then from a tale like that he would till
how the gospel stopped all murders and etc.
It has been a rainy day. We are all well.

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