


Status: Needs Review

Diary - 1898.

March, 12th Tuesday

Went to school today: Auntie came today.
This evening was spent almost just like
yesterday. I want to say that evenings went
we leave Mrs. Bording I walk home with
Rachel and Sadie and it is a pleasure.
Papa since he has become a pastor and
doesn't have to leave [us is?] coming up in
his good looks and we all like it so
much better. Katie is still working for us
and I expect she will for a long time yet,
Brownie will Stay with us untill death.
shall pay another visit to our pets, the
cow father is thinking about selling, our
[?] are quite healthy, our remain-
ing cat is not well. it has been a pleasant
day. We are all well. It is vert pleasant
weather now and I hope it will stay

March 2nd, Wednesday.
Today I am sixteen. Went to school
this morning. This evening I got a
present from Aunitie. Went around to
pauls again this evening and then walked
home with Sadie and Rachel. When this
day is finished I expect to put my diary
away and to let no on see it but myself
so I acknowledge that I have a queer
feeling about a certain girl and that
certain girl is Sadie Warden. I have
tried to be neutral but old cupid has
come out [vistor?] and behold I am
[conquered?] and by a girl at that. Walter
is my best friend, Tom [Werney?] and
myself have drifted apart and it
is for good for we can never be the friends
we once were. Rachel and brother were
reunited to each other today and

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(unrelated to this page) but there is a catalogue from archive.com, that mentions a "Swindell, Fred Dudley, Jr." being a Sophomore at Trinity College, which I believe is the former name of Duke University. https://archive.org/details/annualcatalogueo9903trin/page/n296/mode/1up?view=theater