


Status: Incomplete



D. Sir

This morning, while the recitations was fairly
under way, Mr. Singletary made his entrance in the Recitations
room, and took a seat on the window.

As I had an extra bench [??] in the room, this
very monring, there was room for the whole division,
and I requested him to take a seat on one of them,
which he refused to do. And as he [??] his seat
on the window, I [??] him [??] to take a seat on the
bench or leave the room; he refused again, saying
I will leave when I am ready [??] and staid
the whole time.

I think that on account of Mr Singletary [??]
conduct, some measure should be [??} by the
faculty; I therefore ask you [??] to call in together
for this evening. I have summoned Mr. Singletary.
to apear in the Chapel at evening prayer.

Your [??}


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