


Status: Needs Review


and to dispose the one to virtue while he is storing the other with
knowledge, is another advantage which the student enjoys momentous
in itself and enhancing in a great degree to the importance of his
collegiate life. To him is offered the blessed opportunity of hearing
the holy word of life announced in all it glory, of having all its
wonders displayed and all its divine precepts explained and [exposed??].
To him is made the rich offer of salvation, of that precious balm
which never fails to heal the aggravated wounds of fallen man.
By hearing the superiour charms of virtue over those of vice set forth
in the voice of truth from the sacred [?], and by observing the nobler
pleasure it gives to those who stray not from the path of recti-
tude, his heart is engaged on the side of religion and becomes fortifi

[paragraph highly illegible due to crossings out from the other side of the page]
The importance of a Collegiate life is again strikingly exhibited
in the hopes and expectations of friends and relations. Else why
their anguish at the students disgrace? Why their pay pleasure at his suc-
cess? Why does the father exhibit such uncommon, such peculiar ??
solicitude at his son's departure for College? What means those
gentle yet expressive adminitions to his son to flee from the haunts
of vice and to seek the abodes of virtue and as he gives the last affec-
tionate farewell whence that anxiety so deeply fixed on his counten-
ance that as if he was scarce able to restrain the [page torn] [illegible]

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