


Status: Complete

& unexpectedly in his barber shop at Reno of apoplexy Tuesday PM -- 48 years old, native of Germany -- leaves wife & 3 children in Reno, will provided for in good circumstances -- Mrs Andrew Robert was 43 years old yestereday --

Thunder Showers -- Lyon -- County Monitor
Crown Point Control Change -- Comstock Cloudburst
Joe Douglass

Friday June 8

AM hot, sultry -- About noon clouded up with heavy thunder clouds from SW & all sides & all around -- some rattling good thunder all the PM, & a few light showers, but good square rain all around, but not here -- The Virginia Report which came down this evening gives the following: Bed at 12 -- cool & very pleasant -- The Yerington Rustler, over at Yerington, in Mason Valley has gone out of existence and in its place appears the Lyon County Monitor, a similar weekly, published by the Monitor Publishing Co -- C W Patterson formerly ed & prop of the Rustler has rustled out and now runs the Argus, a weekly at Lovelock, Humboldt Co -- The Crown Point mine, has changed out of the Jones-Hayward control to the Sharon-Morrow etc control, with Billy Sharon Supt who is also now Supt of about all the Gold Hill mines -- Met old Joe Douglass this AM at the Arlington, down from Va en route for Walley's Springs, Genoa for a week or so for his rheumatism -- The Reno Ledger commenced Wednesday

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Does Doten spell it "Moniter" or "Monitor"?

Special Collections

It's hard to say on most of the instances, but at least once it is clearly Monitor, so let's go with that.