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2 revisions
Jannyp at May 01, 2021 10:24 PM

Page 25


Amounts Paid by Leading Comstock Companies.

The S. F. Mining and Scientific Press published the following list of monthly salaries paid Comstock mine Superintendents: R. P. Keating, Hale & Norcross, $400, Savage, $400, and Scorpion $150; total, $950. A. C. Hamilton, Chollar, $250, Potosi, $250, Exchequer, $150, Alpha, $150; total, $800. P. Kerwin, Best & Belcher, $250, Gould & Curry, $250; total, $500. A. Lackey, Overman, $200. D. B. Lyman, Con, California & Virginia, Ophir and Mexican, each $187 50; Sierra Nevada, $250, Union, $120; total, $837 50, S. L. Jones, Crown Point, $500, Belcher, charged in Crown Point, Seg. Belcher, $150; total, $650. W. E. Sharon, Challenge, $250, Confidence, $250, Yellow Jacket, reported $250: total, $750.

The largest aggregate salary of any official connected with Comstock mines is that of C. E. Elliot, mining secretary, and next to the largest is that of A. K. P. Harman, mining president. The latter's income from that source is $850 a month.

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Amounts Paid by Leading Comstock Companies.

The S. F. Mining and Scientific Press published the following list of monthly salaries paid Comstock mine Superintendents: R. P. Keating, Hale & Norcross, $400, Savage, $400, and Scorpion $150; total, $950. A. C. Hamilton, Chollar, $250, Potosi, $250, Exchequer, $150, Alpha, $150; total, $800. P. Kerwin, Best & Belcher, $250, Gould & Curry, $250; total, $500. A. Lackey, Overman, $200. D. B. Lyman, Con, California & Virginia, Ophir and Mexican, each $187 50; Sierra Nevada, $250, Union, $120; total, $837 50, S. L. Jones, Crown Point, $500, Belcher, charged in Crown Point, Seg. Belcher, $150; total, $650. W. E. Sharon, Challenge, $250, Confidence, $250, Yellow Jacket, reported $250: total, $750.

The largest aggregate salary of any official connected with Comstock mines is that of C. E. Elliot, mining secretary, and next to the largest is that of A. K. P. Harman, mining president. The latter's income from that source is $850 a month.