


Status: Complete


July 12.

Friday afternoon the Equal Suffrage
League entertained the members of the
Summer School at a delightful tea in
their pretty club rooms. Mrs. Jennie
Logan gave an interesting paper on "The
Suffrage Movement in Nevada". Mrs. J.
E Bray also spoke to the guests on "Why
I am a Suffragette". A very spirtied and anim-
ated talk was given by Mrs. Fried-
erberger of Carson, and at the close
Miss Sperry spoke briefly of her ex-
perience as a voter in Colorado.

When the talks were finished the
guests were given a chance to buy "Votes
for Women" buttons at the rate of
five cents apiece. Many went away with
their views changed and a determination
to convince at least one man that
womanhood is worthy of the franchise.

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