

View and compare the changes that have been made in each revision to work metadata. The left column shows the metadata in the selected revision, right column shows what has been changed. Unchanged text is highlighted in white, deleted text is highlighted in red, and inserted text is highlighted in green color.

2 revisions
RGruendel at May 07, 2023 05:17 AM

Author: Unknown

Title: Ecclesiasticus 47-49


Place of Origin:

Language 1: Latin

Language 2:

Extent: 2 folios

Description: Verses from Ecclesiasticus 47-49. Decoration and rubrication in blue and red (mainly), brown ink. Corrections throughout the text in a darker ink and second hand.

Author: Unknown

Title: Ecclesiasticus 47-48


Place of Origin:

Language 1: Latin

Language 2:

Extent: 2 folios
