p. 10


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2 revisions
Mick at Jun 03, 2020 11:51 PM

p. 10

24 To make Yellow Pickle.
Tak 1 gallon of strong vinegar boil & skim it, then
let it stand & cool, add to 1/2 oz turmeric beat fine
1/2 oz of long pepper bruised 1/2 lb of race ginger
soaked in strong lime 1/2 lb of horse radish 1/2 lb of
garlic done in the same way 1/2 lb of bruised [illegible].
Your pickle then made to be put out
in the sun every day, mellows or any thing else
your chose, to be soaked in a strong brine for three
days, then put out in the sun and well dried when
your jar is filled up with pickle add vinegar
and a pint of made mustard ------

A White Fricasee
Take 3 Chickens and cut every joint asunder, lay them
in warm water 1/4 of an hour, wipe and put them
in a stew pan & boil in milk and water till suf-
ficiently tender. Take a pint of good cream
1/4 lb of butter, stir it till it is thick then cool
& add to it a little beaten mace 1/2 a nutmeg a little
salt and a gill of wine; stir it well, put the chickens

p. 10

24 To make Yellow Pickle.
Tak 1 gallon of strong vinegar boil & skim it, then
let it stand & cool, add to 1/2 oz turmeric beat fine
1/2 oz of long pepper bruised 1/2 lb of race ginger
soaked in strong lime 1/2 lb of horse radish 1/2 lb of
garlic done in the same way 1/2 lb of bruised [illegible].
Your pickle then made to be put out
in the sun every day, mellows or any thing else
your chose, to be soaked in a strong brine for three
days, then put out in the sun and well dried when
your jar is filled up with pickle add vinegar
and a pint of made mustard ------

A White Fricasee
Take 3 Chickens and cut every joint asunder, lay them
in warm water 1/4 of an hour, wipe and put them
in a stew pan & boil in milk and water till suf-
ficiently tender. Take a pint of good cream
1/4 lb of butter, stir it till it is thick then cool
& add to it a little beaten mace 1/2 a nutmeg a little
salt and a gill of wine; stir it well, put the chickens