597 [=622] (V.1)




Status: Complete


105th mile, or to the Dasma falls,
entirely limited to the heads of
the falls, or to leading positions
on the canal before it changes
its level. From the Dasna falls
to the works at Nanoon, or to the 597
180th mile, this limitation ceases,
and although in the immediate
vicinity of the falls at Simna
and Puha, it partially exists;
heads for Rajbuhas have been
constructed with few exceptions
in connection with every bridge
At the Assoffnuggur and
Dasma falls, or at the head and
tail of a long line of rapid
descent in the country which is
overcome by masonry works; the
sills or floorings of the Rajbuha
heads, have been laid down on a
level even with the canal bed,
or to speak precisely, 3 inches
higher, an elevation which has
depended on the arrangement
for the sluice shutters; the escape
of water, therefore, at the head of
the irrigation at Assoffnuggur,
and for the head supply of the
main Rajbuhas east and west,
will be free and unimpeded; it
will be in direct proportion to
the depth of water on the main
canal. A similar remark
applies to that at the Dasna
falls, which may be considered
as the head, and the command-
ing supply of a line of country
comparatively flat which lies
beyond it. In both the above
cases, however, I have by keeping
the floorings of the heads as nearly

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