Page 158




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The G’s state, the pope has barricaded himself in
Vatican City, since they left Rome. How do they know,
since they have left?

On June 6th, when in our papers the fall of Rome
was announced, a newsboy sold his paper shouting
Hitler has saved Rome! Today an other screamed:
All invasion troups thrown back into the sea!
I overheard a girl on the street this noon, addressing
her uncle (holding a fresh paper) What have [emphasis] we
invaded again [/emphasis], uncle! This was not bad, I gave
her a sympathetic glance.

June 8. Thursday.
The dangerousness of the German [strikethrough] community [/strikethrough] masses lays
not in the fact they are Nazi. They are Nazi because
Hitler [strikethrough] personificated [/strikethrough] personified and incorporated
too well all the German ideals, as the lust of
power, domination, greed, cruelty. All nations,
who are different from them, are in their
way, so the French, the Serbs, we Hungarians,
and about everybody, [strikethrough] because I do not know
any other nation, where so many narrow sighted
individuals could be found, as among G’s. [/strikethrough]

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