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the country, with gold (but not much) and
a plane, going from the Szabadke forests to
Sicily. Too good to be true, I am afraid. Coming
home, we have air precaution exercises in the
yard, up in my [strikethrough] flat [/strikethrough] apartment three telephone calls and
I had to hasten out again to the Kartals,
where Emil lay in great pain. I left them
after 10 p.m. Day by day my friends situation
gets more serious and it[strikethrough] lays [/strikethrough] weighs on me like
a burden, still, I can not help really.

June 10. Saturday.
Since 4:30 a.m. I can not sleep. Emil has to go
this morning to Svábhegy, state-security-police station.
The indictment against him is: occasional help in
their household and listening to the janitor’s radio.
Anonymously reported. As they are very sure that
the people in the house, they live in, are all reliable
we have to believe that a former workman of
their [strikethrough] workshop [/strikethrough] plant, who seems to belong to the some secret
society, reported them. I hoped, they would
disappear last night, but no, they still hope, it
will be all right. – Last night I had a talk

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