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Port Orford Oregon September 13th, 1915.

Governor of Utah,
Salt Lake City Utah.

Dear Sir:-
I see that Joe Hill has been condemned to death.
That, not be cause he has committed any crime, but because he has the manhood
to be loyal to his class, the working class, arrested tried and convicted
on a trumped up chargebefore a fixed jury, on manufactured evidence, at the
instigation of the organization of a body of men, who thot to be respectable
by many are, are the instigators of more cussedness than any one organ-
isationthat ever existed in this country. I need not call this organisation
by name, but a perusal of the report of the Committee on investigation
of industrial relations in the UNITED STATES, some times known as the WALSH
COmmittee, will convince Your Highness or any person who the Criminal realy
is, . No one believes that it is Joe Hill, The people are not fooled, nor will
the result of this persecution be what it is desired that it should,

but something very different. Big business all ever the world, including
the rulers in office have gone MURDER MAD.

Very Respectfully,

Jno Higgins.

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