


Status: Complete

their own safety and otherwise peacful relations
with the Indians by interposing in
behalf of travellers, nor can they be expected
to be otherwise than hostile so long as
the travelling community persist in the
practice of indiscriminately shooting and
poisoning them as above set forth.

In all other parts of the Territory
except along the North and South routes
to California, as above mentioned, the
Indians are quiet and peaceful. It is
owing to the disturbed state of our Indian
affairs that the accounts of this quarter
have been so considerably augmented. It
has always been my policy to concilate
the native tribes by making them presents
and treating them kindly, considering
it much more economical to feed and
clothe than to fight them. I have the
satisfaction of knowing that this policy
has been most eminently successful and
advantageous, not only to the Settlements
but the Government as well as the emigrants
and travellers; but the most uniform
judicious and humane course will
sometimes fail in holding ignorant wild
revengeful Indians by the wrist to be
indiscriminately murdered. We trust hence
forward such scenes may not be reenacted,
and that they existing bad feeling among

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