


Status: Complete

Our duty to ourselves, to our families,
requires us not to tamely submit to be driven
and slain without an attempt to preserve our-
selves. Our duty to our country, our holy
religion, our God, to freedom and liberty,
requires that we should not quietly stand
still and see those fetters forging around,
which are calculated to enslave and bring
us in subjection to an unlawful military
despotism such as can only emenate (in a
country of Constitutional law) from usur-
pation, tyranny, and oppression.

Therefore I, Brigham Young, Governor
and Superintendent of Indian Affairs for
the Territory of Utah, in the name of of the
People of the United States in the Territory
of Utah,

1st: Forbid all armed forces of every
description, from coming into this Territory
under any pretence whatever.

2nd: That all the forces in said Terri-
tory hold themselves in readiness to march,
at a moment's notice, to repel any and all
such invasion.

3rd: Martial law is, hereby declared to
exist in this Territory from and after the
publication of this Proclamation; and no per-
son shall be allowed to pass or repass into
or through, or from this Territory, without a
permit from the proper officer.

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