Brief Prepared by James Monroe in Monroe v. Skinner, 20 October 1824 - Page 5


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Jannyp at Sep 02, 2020 02:13 PM

Brief Prepared by James Monroe in Monroe v. Skinner, 20 October 1824 - Page 5

I CERTIFY, That Roger C. Weightman, before whome the annexed Bill in Chancery
was sworn to, and who has attested the same under his Hand and Seal; was,
at the time of so doing, as he still is, a Justice of the Peace for the County
of Washington, in the District of Columbia, duly appointed and commissioned,
and that to all his Acts, as such, full faith and Credit are due and ought
to be given

In testimony whereof, I, John Quincy Adams,
Secretary of State of the United States, have hereunto subscribed
my name, and caused the Seal of the Department of State to be affixed,

Done at the City of Washington, this Twentieth
day of October ------------ A.D. 1824
and of the Independence of the United States of America
the forty eight.

J. Q. Adams

Brief Prepared by James Monroe in Monroe v. Skinner, 20 October 1824 - Page 5

I CERTIFY, That Roger C. Weightman, before whome the annexed Bill in Chnacery
was sworn to, and who has attested the same under his Hand and Seal; was,
at the time of so doing, as he still is, a Justice of the Peace for the County
of Washington, in the District of Columbia, duly appointed and commissioned,
and that to all his Acts, as such, full faith adn Credit are due and ought
to be given

In testimony whereof, I, John Quincy Adams,
Secretary of State of the United States, have hereunto subscribed
my name, and caused the Seal of the Department of State to be affixed,

Done at the City of Washington, this Twentieth
day of October --------------------- A.D. 1824
and of the Independence of the United States of America
the forty eight.

J. Q. Adams