



Status: Complete

The SALLY HEMINGS Vol. 1, No. 4

Because of his approval of yesterday's town meeting on the Lawn, Mr. Shannon has been
proclaimed the "protector" of our civil liberties. But let us realize that the Lawn is OURS...
that the State Troopers who took the Lawn from us on Friday were in direct contact with
President Shannon.

The PIG aggression occurred despite the fact that NO bottles, rocks or other missiles
were thrown at the State Police and traffic was not obstructed-- the assertions of our Director
of University Relations, Paul Saunier, notwithstanding.

The First Amendment guarantees us the rights of free speech and assembly. These Rights
were partially denied by our President Shannon on repression night, Friday, May 8, and they
are now under dire threat.

The seriousness of this situation has at last united students and faculty. Together, we
ask our President the following questions:

------WAS THERE AN OPEN LINE between the State Police and President Shannon
Friday night?

------IS IT TRUE that some Administrative Assistants said this University would be a
better place without the students?

------IS OUR PRESIDENT WILLING to give more than the Lawn to insure a "liberated"
academic community?

THE JOHN WAYLES MEMORIAL QUOTE: "You can't arrest that man! He's past President
of the Student Council!" (Kevin Mannix from inside a Mayflower Van)

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