



Status: Incomplete



Churches. To the S. W. of the Cathedral are two churches
side by side, with only a narrow passage between
them; so closely connected as to form practically
a double church. These were probably connected
with a large conventual institution; one of the
churches seems to have been dedicated to the Archangel.
The southernmost of the two churches has a
projecting apse in the form of 3 sides of an octogon,
the space before the apse and between the prothesis
and the deaconicon thus becomes a [porte-clerici|clerici-porte].

North most of these churches is a small
square chapel which was probably provided
with a dome, it has side aisles, apse and chambers.

The other churches are of ordinary plan and
construction except one which has a undivided
nave and side chamber which protrude
beyond the side walls of the church. In all
these churches the interior framework was
well built of dressed stone, the walls were poorly
built of small pieces of clay. The ornament
is all incised and confined to the portals.

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Porte-clerici|clerici-porte: Door for the priests use.