p. 5




Status: Complete

People..."minority group"...or no, who "clobber" white citizens on the street or wherever...without any provocation...are mindless and soulless morons...without even a shred of decency. Never mind the nutty "newcomer" excuse for their indecency and gross goofiness. Tell that to the naive "yokels" who fall for such stupid fiction. People who are decent to begin with whether from the south or from the north pole...certainly do not "clobber" or otherwise abuse others. Put that in your "Christian" pipe and smoke it! Dumb excuses are pretty hard to digest!

My education ended at the 8th grade. However by my own efforts I have tried to educate myself. The so-called "minority group" could do likewise...if they "sublimated" with a book...rather than a bottle! Negro men and women like booze, brawl, scream, shout, swear and wail like wounded banshee on the street!

Is this not a sad commentary on our supposed civilization? Of course, it is. Why cannot they conduct themselves like sand and sober citizens rather than wild and uncivilized savages? The Chinese people juvenile as well as adult do it.

The Chinese people including the non-delinquent young-sters , notably in Chicago, are living under actually crowded conditions. Character, therefore, certainly is not a matter of brick and mortar. In fact, I personally had been born out in Ohio, in a tar-paper shack, with an "outhouse", no running water or electricity, etc. but this gave me no urge to clobber any of our neighbors. The "poor housing" excuse, too, is pure eyewash!

Untied from my mother's [apron?] strings as a fourteen year old child, in the U.S. Navy, I had been strictly "on my own," yet despite my youth used my noodle and kept my nose clean...without any so-called "guidance." Furthermore, I had never felt "frustrated" or unloved", and always showed the proper degree of respect and responsibility.

Little did I dream while I was helping to defend my country that some day I would be "slugged" by black lunatics! This is precisely what they are!

In conclusion may I ask how come you and the other "Christians" can possibly reconcile your conscience to all the terrible things the colored people have done to two innocent and seriously sick people who had never harmed them? Why have you, too, continued to remain silent? This is your idea of "inter-racial justice?" Fine. Only you’re not fooling me a bit either. Chief Johnson had even blamed Mother Nature for a rash of street "sluggings" by young Negro thugs in the summer-time; blamed it on the hot-weather! Pretty soon it can be blamed on daylight saving time! (This unquestionably is a "hick town" with a Keystone police force.) Blaming Mother Nature for Negro crime. Oh, brother!

Very truly yours,
Frank Evans

cc: Editor, Milw. Sentinel
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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These 'Frank Evans' letters certainly have a lot of strong opinions in them to say the least...