



Status: Needs Review


the paragraphs which I was most anxious to have appear, and sometimes the
others are run together and jumbled up in a style which almost sends me to
bed; but the way the articles are copied and the letters I get from all
parts of the country make me feel it is best to hold on to our space. I
try very hard to make the articles light and popular, and to sugar-coat
the suffrage so that it will go down.

If every prominent woman in the country would come out boldly as you
did last Sunday, it would set the Republicans to thinking; and how I do
wish they would do it! But they will not. They will be like dumb,
driven cattle in this campaign, as in all of the others. All the
obstacles piled on top of each other are not a thousandth part as discour-
aging as the women themselves. Your letter to the Mothers' Congress was
read early in the proceedings, but toward the last, when there was danger
of the Congress stampeding for suffrage, they suppressed Miss Anthony's.
Possibly the influence of the many male mothers who were in attendance
may have had something to do with this, but the female mothers who were
in charge were quite capable of the whole thing. Notwithstanding such
instances, however, the masses of women undoubtedly are being converted
to a belief in woman suffrage.

As you know, I am struggling with the fourth volume of the History,
and I am sure I have your sympathy. The work is not so difficult, how-
ever, as when you undertook it; for with the annual reports, the Tribune,
the Journal and the scrap-books it is an easy matter to get the material.
The chief trouble is to sift it out and condense it. I hate the work
but Providence or some other fellow seems to have decreed that I must come
to Miss Anthony's assistance, now that you no longer can do these things
for her. I am quoting freely from your addresses before the national

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