



Status: Incomplete

those millars one is meepinge the other is porpense
take particular notace there is one cion
in the box grafted splise grafte this is the
may thale all rootes ande younge trees are
grafted ashure may from take your nife ande
cute untill you can grafte juste like it
when you grafte rootes they grafte they main
roots from small trees they cute them
Bor 4 inches longe then winle a small
narrow stripe off cloth like in warn
grafteing wax mine and arround the
tree ther iff they cloe note stick wine a
small stringe for a pendays after is for small
trees above grounde roote grateinge is sufficent
with oute strings make you a lagre mess off
was before you commens grafteing stripe
your cloth into small stripes dipe it in to
the wax. when warm andewine it into a
ball then it will be fite for useing
this was onely nedse to be melted nede
note make it when you grafte roote grafte in
leave Bludes on your cions 2 liules in the
grown one oute you can grafte anny your
small lims on your luge trees in the
same way when you receive those cions
iff there is alilve moles on them nubee
it off thor I believe ande pute them
into your cellar ande grafte them on the
smell off the lude iff they are dres snell ther
cute in water & when grafted all cions that
have stones wants to be grafted some early

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