


Status: Complete

Copy of


April 13, 1917

Cornelius N. Bliss, Jr.,
New York City.

Seward Prossor,
New York City.

Cleveland H. Dodge,
New York City.

Frank Stuyvezant Peabody,
Chicago, Ill.

Julius Rozenwald,
Chicago, Ill.

Charles D. Horton,
New York City.

Vance McCormick,
Harrisburg, Penn.

H. P. Davison,
New York City.

Henry Morgesthan,
New York City.

Eliot Goodwin,
Washington, D. C.

Louis [P]. Hill,
St. Paul, Minnesota.

Frank B. Hayne,
New Orleans, La.

Jonn H. Miller
Los Angeles, Calif.,

Richard F. Grant,
Cleveland, Ohio.

Judge George S. Taliaferre,
San Antonio, Texas.

Lawrence C. Phipps, Sr.,
Denver, Colorado.

Henry Corbett,
Portland, Ore.

Joseph [?] Tumulty,
Washington, D. C.

F. L. [Higinson?], Jr.,
Boston, Mass.

George Marton Pepper,
Philadelphia, Penn.

John [?],
Philadelphia, Penn.

Thomas F. [?],
Washington, D. C.

William H. Crocker,
San Francisco, Calif.

The President proposes to designate a day in May on which the entire
nation shall concentrate its attention toward the vitally important matter
of financing the American National Red Cross for its responsibilities
both toward soldiers and non-combatants. The President requests that
you will attend a meeting at the office of the American Red Cross in
Washington of a small committee of representative men from various parts
of the countty to consider this matter. The meeting will be held on
Saturday, April 21st, at ten-thirty A. M.

J. F. Tumulty,
Secretary to the President.


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Beginning with the first name in the right hand column (Joseph Tumulty) there is a fold in the paper that makes the text difficult to read.