Correspondence of LH board 1901-1910

Correspondence of LH board 1901-1910


Needs Review


[Stamped] LIGHT HOUSE BOARD 1053 Received. MAY 4 1907

Department of Commerce and Labor OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Washington

May 2, 1907


This Department has the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 27, 1907, relative to the request of Mr. B.F. Jones, of Independence, Oregon, for permission to use a portion of the Yaquina, Oregon, Light-House Reservation, upon which to erect a shoot-the-chutes, for the benefit of the summer visitors at the nearby resort.

In reply this Department begs to state, at the instance of the Light-House Board, to whom this matter was referred, that it is not deemed advisable, in the interests of commerce, to either lease or sell any portion of the Yaquina, Oregon, Light-House Reservation, and if at any time in the future this Department should think it desirable to permit the use of this reservation by private partion, it would be done to the highest bidder, after due advertisement, as is customary in such cases.

The state of Oregon, in the vicinity of the Yaquina Light-House Reservation, is rapidly settling up, the coastwise commerce is increasing, a coast line railway will probably be constructed in the near future, and local commerce will probably necessitate, sooner or later, the establishment of harbor lights upon the light-house reservation specified.

In view of these facts, this Department does not find itself able to grant the request of Mr. B.F. Jones for the use of the

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
Needs Review



before named light-house reservation.

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

[signature] Secretary

Hon. Jonathan Bourne U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
Needs Review


D Department of Commerce and Labor LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD Washington 31 May, 1907.

File No. 1053

The Engineer Thirteenth L.H. District Portland, Oreg.

SIr: - As recommended in your letter of 25 May, 1907, the Board authorizes you to make the repairs at the Yaquina Head Light-Station, Oreg., at an estimated cost of $480.00, the work to be done under your direction, by persons in your employ and by the purchase of the necessary materials in accordance with existing regulations.

The above-named work is to be paid for from funds herto-fore allotted your from the appropriation, Repairs &c.,, of LIght-Houses, 1907.

Respectfully, [illegible signature] Lt. Col., Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Engineer Secretary.

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
Needs Review


Department of Commerce and Labor LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD Washington

BER File No. 1053 29 June, 1907.

The Engineer, Thirteenth Light-House DIstrict, Portland, Oreg.

Sir: - The following is a copy of a telegram sent you this day: "Board authorizes open market purchase lumber one hundred eighty dollars."

Respectfully, B Johnson Chief Clerk.

Last edit about 6 years ago by earneson
Not Started
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