Leaf 14 recto




Status: Incomplete

a meeting about the [?] pictures I heard him
myself speak to a crowded meeting in the Mansion
House saying he spoke as a representative of
Sinn Fein – he the secretary of the Gaelic League.
[which s] Notwithstanding this a number of Sinn Feiners
[keep] make it a point to set up a horrible hullaballoo if any one ventures
to say that the Gaelic League is political. This is
part of that obliquity of vision amounting almost to a disease,
a kink in the mind, which I have observed in numerous [ever so
many members] representatives of that party. The fact however remains
that they have left the G League a body to which
no Redmondite and no Unionist can any longer
subscribe, for their money would be going to a paper
whose politics [is not theirs] is to abuse John Dillon and the Irish members and to support organisers
and a secretary who were working openly for Sinn Fein Candidates in Parliamentary elections [against them.]

[On the whole however I am not at all
sure that the turn things have taken may]

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