October 17, 1853 - November 8, 1853




Status: Indexed

1853 Oct 17 We have been to Lynchg with a
Load of wheat Sold it for 1.40 pr Bus. fired Tob
Grubing etc etc 17th Firing Tobacco fixing fresh
ground for Tobacco, Grubing etc clear weather

18. Mr Evans came at 12 Oclock.
Firing Tobacco Mr Evans cutting Ditch for
Ice House Fannie W. went with me to Lynchg

19th Began to Sew wheat in Third years ground
Grubing Mr. Evans Ditching & alse & Kitty
Federick firing Tobacco - back Garden
clear fine weather, 20th Ditching at
Ice house 21st Sewing wheat in Lot, 4½ in
Third years Land & 3½ in Lot -

22 Ditching Halled up Load of CornHogs for
Mr Evans left in evening

24th This morning Raining Hailing &
Snowing. very disagreeable day Snow lay
on ground Smartly lost Pieds Calf
Halled 2 Loads wood in evening, Sent
to Mill Saturday with wheat for flour
DiggMy Sweet & Irish Potatoes not Dug yet,

Novr 6 Since the 24th Oct we have Dug
the blind Ditch to Our Ice House Halled up
& shucked out our mountain field Corn
Mr Evans worked on ice House Ditch about
10 Days @3/9 pr day he is now when at work
Cutting Ditch in fresh field @[2¢?] pr yd
Cleaned out Ice pond yesterday & began again
to sew wheat next to Johns springCorn Land we
Cut & spayed 11 shoats lately, went to mill about
5 days ago. my wife & Cate gone to Mrs Hunts
to day. Fine weather at this time

8 Fed shoemaking cutting Down & shucking Corn
in Johns field. Sewed Branch land in wheat to
day etc cloudy & likely for Rain, ——

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Nov. 6 entry, about halfway down, not sure what the symbol is. 2¢? Or something else?

Ben W. Brumfield

I think the cents symbol works well here. It never occurred to me that ¢ might be a ligature of "ct", but that's what Graves's symbol looks like to me.