m 1 (1c)




Status: Indexed

The first age of the world
was fro adam vn to Noe.
The secunde fro Noe vn to abraham.
The thrid fro abraham vn to da
. Thhe fourth fro dauid vn to the
transmigracion of babilon. The
childer of israel wer take i[n] to thral
dom for synne fro the long of behest
that is Jerusalem and the cuntri a-
boute by Nabugodonosor and brought
vn to babilon. and wer there in cap
tiuite or thraldom threscore yere and
ten. and that is called the transmi
gracion. The fifthe age was fro the
transmigracion of babilon vn to crist.
The sext fro crist vn to the ende of
the world. These sexe ben of
ham that ben liuyng. The seuenth
is of ham that restyn and ben deed.
that began fro the passion of oure
lord: and shal last vn to the day of
dome. The eight shal be of ham that
shal rise. that shal begynne at the
day of dome and shal last with
oute ende. It is to knowe these
ben not called ages for the nu[m]ber
of yeres. as athousand shuld be an
age: but for meruelous thynges
that befel at the begynning of everi
age. As in the begynning of the
first: the world was made. In the
begynning of the secunde: was the
world clensid by the greet flode. In
the begynning of the thrid: was
ordeyned circu[m]cision ageyn origi-
nal synne. In the begynning of
the fourth: anoyntyng of kynges.
In the begynning of the fifthe: the
transmigracion in to [babilon]. In
the begynning of the sext: the in-
carnacion. that is that goddis son
toke fleishe and blod and bicame
man. In the begynning of the se-
uenth: the openyng of the yeates
of heuen. In the begynning of the
eight: shal be raisyng of alle that
ben deed. and arewarde for good
and yvel.

[within a T-O map of the world]
[top] Asia.
[bottom left] Euro-

[bottom right] Africa.

[captioning a diagram of the ark]
This is
the four
me of
the arke

[within the diagram of the ark]
[highest level] men and
[second highest level] Tame beestis.
[middle level] The place for mete.
[second lowest level] Wilde beestis and noyous.
[lowest level] The place of filthe.

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