


Status: Complete

Mon Sept 3 Quite nice but rather too
warm for comfort. John and I picked fruit
all day plums and crabapples and I irrigated. Finished
the little meadow above the house then watered
the potatoes the little plum batch and the piece
North of the barn. Judge Osburn was here and
got a few Lombards Duanes purple and some
Gidion apples to exhibit at the state fair.

Tues Sept 4 Quite a nice day to day [today].
Johny and Mother and I went to town this
morning had quite a lot of Lombard plums
and I tried peddling with varied success but
on the whole got them off. Had some
crabs but fetched some of them home
again. We got 7 or 8 dollars for what we sold
and I guess that we have paved the way to
sell more fruit over in town.

Wed Sept 5 Hot and dry.
Johny picked and took over to town some
plums and crabapples. I mowed oats on the windy
hill place. Found it a pretty hard shaky job.

Thurs Sept 6 Pretty fair but the wind
blew quite a bit a couple of times and rained a
little too but not enough to stop work. Johny picked
plums this forenoon and raked oats this afternoon.
I finished cutting the oats at the windy hill
place this forenoon and this afternoon I cut over
a part of the wheat ground. Mrs Randell took
over a little over a hundred lbs of wild
plums to Mr Evans's grocery.

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