


Status: Complete

12 APR - 67
TPQ uneventFul - Except that compass
was off 60º after Y.O. - was headed
for Thailand when Moonman straightend
me out. -- a1.5 due to delays on
IFR APPROACH. - usual F-4 on Guard
& AIRFORCE C-130 Shelling troops icy.

Something going on around here.
Army Types are coming in by the
plane load - marines heading North by

Mortar attack at 12:30. Ken was
still awake so we made it to our
bunker in Record. [Woke] Sammy
Vaugn up by picking the foot of
his bed up 3 ft + dropping it. - that
got results - U.C. Lobbed in
Quite a few shell - but all landed
near 533 area - South [?] of west Reg.
Killed two AirForce C-130 Crew wonded
30 others - Damaged the C-130. Evidently
aiming for A-6's but missed

VMA-211 Lost an aircraft & Pilot -
SNAKEYE [?] & PLANE caught - fire,
wing came off - At first thought it
was a fin separation but FAC Reported
very heavy fire. - Pilot not recovered.

I Spent From 11:00 (slept late) till 16:00
building shelves in storeroom. - Got in
pretty well squared. - now [?] can only
get some supplies !

Slow nite at the bar + Lousy movie.
No Hope - Forgot to put my name on
the Dolo Board.

Informal Squadron Party Going
on Next Door CO, to in attendance.

Scrounged some stuff from old 121
Quarters - all I could carry. Beginning
to think the marine corps doesn't have
anything because we abuse, it, leave it
Behind, Waste it, throw it away.

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