


Status: Complete

12 APR -67

Spent most of the day scrounging
around- info- materials, etc-

C-117 still - upon so trying to
hook a ride to wing with copter -

Army copters now moving into our
old area. - God knows where they're
going to put their troops.

TPQ [?] with a daylight take
off! Wonders never cease.
Banged on toe still prevents P.T.
rateful uncomfortable to walk on.

Come over inventory set for Saturday -
got out of being pay officer because
of it- what a headache - 1100 people
[illegible] - 12

Jay left for R&R in Hong Kong-
Fixing up [hask?] to allow for
taking flights airborne - should be
ready to go in a couple of days.

Must get some more [illegible] also -
Got first one's back - strafing shots in
Laos - & o/s [?][?][?]

Ox mask fixed for recording - uneventful

14 Apr '67

Day started [early?] with a 9:00 wake
up. Stumbled over to the Comm wondering
what I'd do all day - found Hank
Castle sitting there. He's Wing
Comm open treasurer - more or less my boss.
Spent the morning [illegible] &
asking quite a few. He was [illegible]
principly to sign contract to
contract Patio Roof for o-club - going
to be bamboo & thatch- with a plastic
sheeting under the thatch to make doubling
sure it's waterproof during the monsoon
season. - local U. C. Constuction
company - should take a month to build.

Afternoon Hank borrowed the
warehouse jeep & we toured the local
clubs - got a [cooler?] at mag-13's - same
construction - veryl nice.

Major Mackey - May 13 club
Capt McKinley - his relieve -
SSGT Yeager - his adjutant.

Hope to buy up 1st Div warehouse of booze
as they're moving out. - could use it.

Dick Bishop - blew up an engine

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