


Status: Complete

C Wade re Arreas of Rates on Thistle Island
resolved that Rates must first be paid, following which a detailed
statement of work done on roads will be considered.
Camp Sites-Dept of Lands in reference to Licences of Camp Sites at Coffin Bay and a copy of the Conditions of Licences and a list of additional sites of ⅛ Acre each that have been approved

Overseers Report for Month read
Prop Cr Woods/Sec Cr Smith} That the Overseers Report as read be adopted. Carried
Cr Woods requested that grading be done on Proper Bay Road. Granted
Cr Smith requested that Grading be done between Kaldow and the Dog Fence and from Kaldow to Barnes as soon as the Plant is available. Granted
Cr Richardson Requested that something be done on Louth Hill Road as some of those interested would probably do the necessary work
Left to Overseer to see if labour and be obtained.

Prop Cr Woods/Sec Cr Richardson} That Arrears of Road rents £17.19.1 be struck out and Cancelled.
A/c OA Hall est £3.16.9
A/c W Puckridge 10/0
A/c BA Skipworth £5.15.10
A/c Shipard F 1/0
A/c Schmidt & Son £7.15.6. TOTAL: £17.19.1. Carried
Prop Richardson/Sec Cr Smith} That owing to several requests, the Commr Highways be written to and ask if a White line could be put along the centre of the bitumen on North Shields Road, or if not, on the bends and rises. Carried.
Cr Ford request that the road between Catholic Church and Railway which is in a bad state, be repaired as soon as possible - This was left to the Overseeer

Prop Cr Smith/Sec Cr Woods} That the following accounts as read be passed for payment. General A/c £311.15.7.
Govt Grants A/c £132.14.11. Carried

Prop Cr Smith/Sec Cr Doudle} That All Councillors sign Cheques. Carried.

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