(seq. 27)




Status: Needs Review

Eleanore Hale thought it was the Mon
before so hurried up there and Miss
[March?] was on the switchboard and
showed Eleanore a note that's in
the front office saying I am not to
be excepted into the hospital for
any reason and not to call Miss
OKeefe signed Miss OKeefe. I never
went up there without making arrange
ments and why do they have to show
that to an outsider? Well deat how
did {Doctor} react to that dinner? She
looked so tired and as if she was
fighting to stay up. Well Cynthia
Im looking forward to some fishing
next week as Bill is taking the second
week of July Aug + Sept off for vacation.
Wish you and family could come out
with us some Sun. Does Chuck like to fish?
Love to David + you all Mae

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