Page 9




Status: Complete

Nevertheless, it takes quite a bit of
mental power to look through 300
option charts to find ones that
satisfy the rules. And then I'd have
to take time to buy them + do
recordkeeping. Is it worth the time?

I'd feel comfortable putting up
at most 10% of my liquid assets,
or $5000. How much could I have made
on this in the last 2 years. Ignore
the RWS results at 1982 because
that was a very special volatile year.

From my research of RWS trades
for 1983, I find the average gain
per trade to be 67%. And in the
letter accompanying the materials,
theaverage gain per trade in 1984
was 93%. Lets assume average of 80%
and assume each trade lasts 6 months
since minimum RWS recommend is
3 months, and maximum, is 9 moths.
Then in one year I could earn
1,8 * 1,8 * 5000 or $16000.
Is 16000 worth several hours/week?

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