Page 10




Status: Complete

Looking through 300 stock option
charts is the worst part of the
task. In addition, I'd have to
make trades and do recordkeeping.
But the search for options is very
monotonous, and very prone to
error because the task is so
boring and the rules aren't simple.

Doing this every week would
require AT LEAST 4 hours, probably
more. For $16000, that's $80/hour.
I'd really rather spend that
time on something else, because
the work has NO OTHER VALUE.

But if there were a Newsletter
I'd probably be interested in
trying out the system. If there
isn't one, then that should tell
me something: RWS is a con.

Another problem is diversification.
With $5000, I could get maybe 20
options, and that's not very many.
Because profit is so widely
variable, that's probably not enough.

But newsletter could still interest me.

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