


Status: Complete

New York May 24th 1871

Chas. R. Tucker Esqr.
New Bedford

Dear Sir,
Mr. Beaman left Washington last night and says the Treaty will unquestionably be ratified by the Senate either to day or tomorrow.

Mr. Beaman is desirous of going to Geneva as assistant Counsel with whoever may be appointed as senior & Mr. Caleb Cushing & Mr. Sumner are working with others with a view to getting him the appointment. You can readily see the advantage to the claimants of having such a man as Mr. Beaman to represent our Government before the Arbitrators--he being thoroughly acquainted with the whole question besides having the interest of his clients at heart.

We will bring the necessary influence to bear from here, & we wish you would get Gov. Clifford or such other gentlemen as you may think of to lend their influence with the President & Mr. Fish. Mr. Beaman is a Massachusetts man, & you know his capabilities too well for us to dwell upon them. As there are already other applicants for the position it becomes us to be early in the field and asking your kind attention we are
Yours Truly
Barling & Davis

It might be well in addition to writing the President and Mr. Fish direct send us letters of introduction in favor of Mr. Beaman & we may ask you a little later to go down & see Mr. Fish.
B & D

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1st line 1st paragraph, changed "unquestionable" to "unquestionably". 2nd paragraph 5th line changed "bring" to "being". 3rd paragraph 4th line changed [illegible] to "dwell".