



Status: Complete

Dr. McC. here for break. & the photographing of
the Fisk Mem Building – so I didn't take my [?]
crowd today.

September 4, 1922 - Monday
Worked on the east cupboard today and began
on the one against the south wall this p.m.
Dreaded this last one most of all somehow, as I
get so tired of these same dirty jobs; the top of this
one was piled up the worst of any yet, and it looked
as if the dirt of the ages had accumulated there.
Unearthed quite a number more pictures & threw
away boxes full of trash. Told the two teachers on Fri.
to straighten up their shelves, but while they
may have done something it would have been
hard to tell it. Found more abacuses, rusty weaving
needles, kindergarten wooden beads & sticks, a
boxful of button – mostly metal ones, more sewing
cards, weaving mats & paper parquetry, extra
blocks; threw out with the help of the teachers innu-
merable [innumerable] old darns & patches done in various bygone
sewing lessons; excelsor, feathers, cotton, old papers
& other things too numerous to mention. Found a
lot of drawing sets, numbered from one to twenty-
five which I carried over to sort in my room. Have
worked nearly every aft. till long past four or five.
See my work cut out for me tomorrow putting all
these odds & ends in with their kind already sort-
ed [sorted], or finding a niche for them. Will write on
the adhesive strips & lable the shelves as I did the
library. Then if I can get the teachers to use what is
here will be the next task. Miss Parrott suffering
with neuralgia again; guess she's caught cold some-

how. Gave my Bible class another written lesson
today. Will tell them of their mistakes tomorrow. Took
Ss. V & VI in Lib. both today.

September 5, 1922 - Tuesday
Spent most of the day sorting the drawing cards
found on the bottom shelf of the last cupboard.
But first I had note books for V Standard to correct,
as I did one day last wk., but believe I forgot to men-
tion [mention] – probably Tues. There proved to be more I S. sets
than all the others combined, a doz. or more complete
ones, some with only one gone, & one or two with more
missing, several for II S., only a few for III S, but
one of the higher ones had a complete set. Not
nearly such hard work as the mats, but bad enough
as I've stuck to these things morn., noon & night
trying to get them off hand. Have fixed abacuses,
put new strings in many of the pictures, cut off corners
or even whole edges till I blistered my fingers –
having to bring my own scissors, card, etc; just
as I'm furnishing more than a doz. envelopes to
the sorting of the R. cut papers. Tomorrow I'll have
"placing" to do; – of course this is already partially
accomplished, but there's plenty more yet to be done.
Saya Ma M's room is nothing but a passway; a dozen
times a day – and more – some one comes to the cup-
board [cupboard]or walks thru her room; whenever I have time
to write up that book I'll certainly mention this in
no uncertain terms. A lot of the children have
hook-worm, I'm sure; wish the R. Foundation worked
here for a while at least. Mrs. E. is absent nearly every
Mon. morn these last few wks; she has not been
well, so has had to go to the M.D. on her personal ac-
count [account]as well as to attend the monthly meetings as she
always does. Usually there is no song nor psalm

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