



Status: Complete


September 14, 1922 - Thursday
Learned today for the 1st time that I have to give oral
tests also, but as I had more than a full day plan-
ned [planned] already, & stacks of Saya Ma C's books already
in my room. Of course if you go at things hit or
miss I suppose it doesn't make much difference
when these things are sprung upon you; but if
you plan your week's work, or even a day a-
head [ahead], it is rather disconcerting to be told these
things on such short notice. The books will
have to wait – if any thing does – till after the holiday.
Mrs. E. is giving the VII S. theirs today. – I'll commence
with the VI S. tomorrow & work down. How on
earth I'm to remember them all, when both names
& faces are so strange, I don't know; however, I
can do my best – angels can do no more. Mail
came today – quite early this wk; got 2 I.J's, a Y.C.
Lit. Dig., letter from Frank, one from Mr. Foss say-
ing [saying] a bundle from Belle was being sent; suppose
it is my shoes, another notice of the payment
of my life insurance dues; this will strap me a-
gain [again]. I wanted to go to Rangoon with a little money
in my pocket, but instead I'll have to go in debt.
Very discouraging. Got a letter from Miss Chapman
last wk. requesting me to cable her if I had given up
all idea of coming to her, which I did not do then
but shall do later. Got no Y.C. wk before last so was
somewhat purturbed, but got 2 last wk to my relief.
Also had two letters from Cousin Joe Paxton, the
1st quite typical; the latter purely business, one from

Mrs. Jarrett, Stella Rupley, Aunt Lizzie, Frances James,
Miss Angie McKinsey, card from Gustava Rose Alcorn
& Mabel Irvins.

September 15, 1922 – Friday
Went thru with the 6th S. orals o.k. & looked over
some notebooks besides; only sixteen girls, so took
them in groups of 3 each till the last when I took
four. Miss Mullerworth absent yes. on acct. of tooth-
ache [toothache], so I had her classes, 9th & 10th, Eng., Hist. & Geog.
Was very tired yes. aft. so laid down when I got back
from school as I did again today. So now have
a busy week-end ahead after taking out the time
I had expected to have yesterday. Got Ma E's books
back to her & brought out two more sets to see be-
fore [before] Mon. As the classes are bigger of course
there is much more to read, longer notes & more
subjects, I don't think the girls can be doing much
studying from the way they are talking tonight, &
a good many other nights here lately. Had cucumbers
at noon today & they didn't "set" well with Mrs. E., so
she's had a soda, an enema, & I believe salts is to follow in the
morning. They say Sept. is a trying mo., & I think it
must be; we've had little wind (which usually helps
to mitigate the heat), and I've been broken out worse
than ever with the heat, all over chest, arms, etc. We
had a very bad rain for hrs. last night – or rather
this morning, so when rising time came I went in to
look for Mrs. E's rubbers & umbrella; could find neither,
but on going down stairs found the latter & sent over
by two girls. The girls have given me flowers frequently
here lately, & even two of the teachers, Ma E. & Ma T.M.I always
put them in my hair or at my belt, but when I get
several the same a.m., as sometimes happens, I take
part to my room, or leave on dining-room table as
I did with the dahlias a few days agao. The blossoms

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