



Status: Complete

from Maymyo are much better than anything
to be had here, however, tho all usually wilt in a day.

September 16, 1922 – Saturday
Corrected that object lesson book I've had on hand so
long; read the paper; trimmed card board for
pictures; got up soiled clothes, made out list, tore up
old set of B. papers, cleaned comb, looked over Scrip-
ture [Scripture] book from school-building, corrected B. exam
papers (this took most of the aft. (as the o.l. bk. took
most of the morn.), with interruptions from the
dhoby, & others. Mrs. E. came in about five to pro-
pose [propose] we go out, so had to stop to bathe & dress. Stop-
ped [Stopped] 1st at Ma Nui's for a call, but saw no one but
her mother & one of the small children. Then
went to the H's who were out exercising in the com-
pound [compound]. I'm told a sizable cobra was killed in their
grounds a few days ago. After dinner we had some
records on Mrs. E's vic., but it is not quite right, I'm
sure as it gets off the key at times, just enough to
drive you half crazy. Later I finished my exam
papers – about 1/3 of them. A 10th & 8th S. girl each
scored over 90; one got only 65; all the rest between
70 & 90, so was fairly well pleased, tho they'd had
drill enough, so they ought to have done well. They
answered the purely memory questions better
than they did the reason ones, however; so that
is not so reassuring. Miss M. gave Miss P's B. test
on Wed; as several of her pupils were absent on
Tues.; 3 of mine were also, but one or two often
are, so I went ahead anyhow. Wish my V S. Eng would
do as well but have no such hopes. Forgot to men-
tion [mention] above that I corrected 2 sets of n. bks. Oiled the
obstreporous lock between bathroom & dressing-rm

& did several other such odd jobs. Of course
I have the calendar for bulletin board to write every

September 17, 1922 – Sunday
S.S. & ch. – Next Sun. is review again, & with the experi-
ence [experience] of 3 mos. ago still in mind when the supt. dis-
missed [dismissed] S.S., Mrs. E. wrote him a note suggesting – what
was mentioned in P's notes, I believe – a dramatic red-
dering [reddering [rendering]] by the chief points in each lesson, to which
he agreed, so all the teachers here had a meet. last
eve in the office, to decide which lesson each class
would take – the girls to have the odd, the boys the even,
nos. Esther was given to me. Poured down in the
night, as it has so often lately, & still at it this a.m., so
no ch. going for us, but we had S.S. of course in the
assembly hall, & then each teacher took her class in
various s - r's. the two highest remaining in the 7th S.
room. Going over a little early I put the 2 books I'd looked
over in the w. cupboard, & some odds & ends in the small
one; left. Ma E's pile of signed n-bks on her table; put
up the new wkly. calendar, & called a few min. con-
ference [conference] for after S.S. When I returned the girls present
their B. exam. papers so they could see their own mis-
takes [mistakes], & told them about Esther being ours to enact, sug-
gesting [suggesting] that they read the entire book & help plan several
brief scenes & would call another meeting later in the
wk. to talk things overs, think they were at least interest-
ed [interested] in this proposed innovation. Wrote a letter to Miss C.
before break.; & thus having gotten most of my pressing
tasks – they are very real ones at times – I proceeded to en-
joy [enjoy] the aft. & Geog, the Gazette, read E., etc. Ma T.M. went
to the jail yes. & as her bro. had run away, asked to spend
the night so she remained over today, consequently so read-
ing [reading] this aft. & I'm always just as well pleased to go without

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